Enzymes & Digestion


Essential to the absorption of food, our bodies could not absorb nutrients from food without the help from various enzymes in our digestive tract. Enzyme production begins in the mouth and follows through the entire digestive tract. The body reacts to the smell and the presence of food to increase enzymatic production and break down larger food molecules into usable building blocks and nutrients.

Lack of sufficient enzyme production may lead to malabsorption, bloating, gas, diarrhea and allergies. Populations at risk for enzyme deficiency are:

• Older adults

• Those with enzyme deficiency disorders

• Those undergoing chemotherapy and radiation

• Individuals with certain allergies or intolerances

We offer three forms of enzymes:

1. Chewable

2. Tablet

3. Capsule

Products like Chewable Papaya (#701) are formulated to break down starches and proteins, whereas the many of our enzyme product line formulations are meant to support the digestion of carbohydrates, protein and fat.

Enzymes & Digestion
Enzyme Complex with Herbs (Item #706)

Enzymes are as essential to the body as water. To obtain the benefits of nutrition from food and supplements, the body must first break down the components of the food. That’s where enzymes step in – to help the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates and liberate the micronutrients so they can be utilized by the body. Our Enzyme Complex with Herbs provides a complete, vegetarian enzyme complex using only the highest quality non-GMO raw materials. Additional digestive herbs are included for support. 

Enzymes & Digestion
Liver Detox Complex (Item #440)

Liver health continues to be extremely important in today's society, where consumers are seeking ways to support detoxification and overall liver health. There continues to be a demand for liver support products due to increasing pollution and environmental toxins, stress, an unhealthy diet, the use of medications, and more. Milk Thistle Seed extract is probably the most commonly known and widely used natural product for liver health. Science has shown amino acids also play an important hepatoprotective role. Our Liver Detox Complex also includes other plant-based ingredients such as Burdock root, Aloe vera, Fennel seed, and Artichoke leaf which have been traditionally used for liver support.

Enzymes & Digestion
Organic Whole Psyllium Husk (Item #934)

Psyllium (Plantago ovata), rich in dietary fiber, has been traditionally used to help support a healthy digestive tract. Fiber is deficient in the diets of mst Americans due to frequent consumption of over-processed foods that are stripped of their natural fiber content. The recommended fiber intake for the general population is 25-38 grams per day for optimal intestinal health. Short-term inadequate fiber intake can cause stomach discomfort related to constipation, and over time this can lead to complications in the intestine. Psyllium husk provides an excellent source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help promote proper digestion as well as support health cholesterol levels in the body for individuals already within a normal range.

Enzymes & Digestion
Plant-Based Fiber Complex (Item #109)

The recommended intake of fiber for adults is 28 grams daily, and this can be even higher depending on age and gender. Due to frequent consumption of over-processed foods that have been stripped of their natural fiber content, fiber is deficient in the diets of most Americans, with most only consuming around 15 grams per day. For optimal intestinal health, both soluble and insoluble fiber are needed every day. Each form functions differently and provides different health benefits, including bowel regularity, elimination of toxins, and overall colon health. Both soluble and insoluble fiber can help promote proper digestion...Full Details

Enzymes & Digestion
Super Fiber Tabs (Item #139)

Fiber is deficient in the diets of most Americans due to frequent consumption of over-processed foods that have been stripped of their natural fiber content. The recommended intake of fiber for the general public is from 21-38 grams per day for optimal intestinal health. Short-term inadequate fiber intake can cause stomach discomfort, such as constipation, and over time it can lead to digestive challenges. Fibers are classified into two categories according to their structure and how they work in the body. Insoluble fibers, such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, do not dissolve in water. Soluble fibers, such as gum and pectin, do dissolve in water. Both types of fiber are needed every day. Each form functions differently...Full Details