Antioxidants & Healthy Aging


Antioxidants provide the body with protection from potentially damaging compounds called free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive chemicals with unpaired electrons that steal electrons from other molecules, causing a vicious chain reaction that wreaks havoc on the body. Free radicals can damage the body’s tissues and may increase the risk of developing certain diseases.

Free radicals are normal by-products of metabolism, as well as environmental toxins like air pollution, cigarette smoke, radiation, heavy metals and pesticides.

Antioxidants provide preventive care to the body, protecting against the negative health consequences that can result from free radical damage. They scavenge or neutralize free radicals, stopping the free radical chain. Antioxidants can be found in a variety of foods, with higher amounts in plant foods. Many supplements are available on the market to help ensure the body receives an adequate amount of antioxidants daily. Some of these Traditional Antioxidants include:

• Vitamin C

• Natural vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol)

• Beta-Carotene (provitamin)

• Selenium

Dancing Elderly Couple
Antioxidants & Healthy Aging
Resveratrol 150 mg (Item #171)

Resveratrol is a plant compound found in red grapes, peanuts, berries, and the Japanese knotweed plant. A number of plants produce resveratrol in response to stress, injury, infection or UV radiation. In 1992, researchers speculated that resveratrol may explain the "French Paradox" - the observation that (generally speaking) despite smoking plus a diet high in fat, the French have lower mortality from heart concerns - which may be explained by their frequent wine consumption. In vitro, resveratrol has been shown to neutralize free radicals, inhibit LDL cholesterol oxidation, platelet aggregation and stimulate eNOS (an enzyme that catalyzes nitric oxide formation). Nitric oxide is important for maintaining a healthy relaxation...Full Details

Antioxidants & Healthy Aging
Ubiquinol CoQ10 Softgel (Item #455)

In a healthy adult, 95 percent or more of the total CoQ10 in the body is in the ubiquinol form. In addition, ubiquinol is required for 95 percent of cellular energy production by cellular mitochondria and is found in every cell in the body. The highest concentration of this nutrient is in the heart. Taking a ubiquinol supplement helps to maintain healthy, natural levels of ubiquinol in the body and prevents oxidative stress and damage from free radicals.