CoQ10 100 mg (Item #162)

Antioxidants & Healthy Aging

Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone or CoQ10, continues to gain popularity. CoQ10 is a fat soluble vitamin-like substance that is normally produced in the body. It can be found in all cells including the cell membranes, where it protects cells from free radical damage. However, levels naturally decline with age, and may be reduced further in the presence of cholesterol-lowering actions which inhibit CoQ10 synthesis. Most consumers supplement their diet with CoQ10 to support cardiovascular and nervous system health. The mechanism of action of CoQ10 occurs in the mitochondria of the cells, during the respiratory chain. Research indicates that CoQ10 may support heart health by supporting cellular energy production and acting as an antioxidant to prevent cellular damage from free radicals. Since CoQ10 is fat soluble, it is important to take it with dietary fat.

The Product
  • Higher dose offered in a vegan capsule to appeal to a wider consumer base
  • Supports heart health
  • Provides potent antioxidant benefits,
  • Supports cellular energy production
  • Manufactured without the use of coloring agents